Saturday, July 30, 2011

4 From Naranjo Texts

Type 4
The good points of type 4...

Thoughtful, understanding, apologetic, soft, gentle, cordial, self-sacrificing, sensitive, intense, passionate, romantic, and humble. Also they can be stylish, delicate, elegant, tasteful, and artistic.

The Sin of Envy...Fours are in the self-image triad, along with 2 and 3, and therefore care mostly about how they come off to others. Their self-image is always focused on the negative. Threes look at themselves and acknowledge the parts of them that match up with their ideal way of being. Fours do this too, but focus on the bad parts; the parts of them that fails to meet their idealized image of themselves. As such, they feel a sense of lacking in themselves and, with that, a craving towards what they don’t have. Fours tend to berate themselves quite often (see below in the defense mechanisms section). This isn’t always a bad thing, however, because it also gives the four a craving for what they think they lack and can motivate themselves to try and get it. Unfortunately, 4s have a distinct sense that what they have isn’t enough to fill the void and that there is always something wrong with them. In a sense, they are always trying to “achieve the unattainable”.

Social envy manifests as both an idealization of upper classes and a strong social climbing drive. Sometimes, fours can come off as trying to fill the gap in themselves by emulating the power/status/awesomeness they see in others. For instance, a 4 might see someone as popular and envy that, so they start emulating the person in an attempt to fill their lack of popularity (solo note: unsure if this is in general or just social 4s). Similarly, an attitude of superiority can exist with (and sometimes in compensation for) a bad self-image. When others don’t see them as special as they see themselves, they may start seeing themselves as a “misunderstood genius” and then start emulating qualities they think they should have. Inside they might hate themselves, but to the outside world they show their face as a prima donna, or at least a very special person. However, their superiority is never demanding (as is present in 1s), and that is one behavior that is most avoided by 4s.

Defense Mechanisms...The primary defect of type four is an attachment to suffering. They attract love by the intensification of need and frustration. In a way, their mantra could be “a baby who does not cry does not get fed.” Four’s craving for love is supported by a need of acknowledgement that they cannot give themselves. They need other people to see them for who they are. Related to this craving is the commonly observed “helplessness” of type 4. They want to be rescued from all their troubles. This is exaggerated by their tendency to put themselves in the role of the victim during conflict to make the other person look guilty. Fours can be nurturing, but more in a form of “giving to get”, similar (but markedly different in motivation) to type 2s. Their nurturing may be masochistically exaggerated to a point of self-enslavement.

“Their quality of intense emotionality does not solely apply to suffering and love/nurture addiction, but also anger.” Another defense mechanism is described by Naranjo as “introjection” or, turning against they self. Their unconscious anger becomes self-aggression. No other type is as self-destructive, self-repressing, and self hating as type 4. Some associated traits with type 4 are: lamenting, complaining, despondent, and self-pitying.

Emotions and etc....The internal atmosphere of 4 is full of turmoil and turbulence. They are “possessed of a deep longing, dominated by nostalgia.” They are emotional, like type 2, but with a greater mix of introversion and intellectual interests. Fours get very attached to people, but tend to be incredibly pessimistic because of their focus on the negative.

-Naranjo states that Voltaire was a type 4.

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